
Nanomédecine, Biologie Extracellulaire, Intégratome et Innovations en Santé

NABI is a new interdisciplinary laboratory which is a spin off from MSC lab (Matière et Systèmes Complexes, Université Paris Cité, CNRS UMR7057). NABI was officially created on January 1st 2025, after about 7 years of settlement and growth in the building of the School of Medecine of the Université Paris-Cité. NABI is dedicated to bioengineering and translational research. NABI is located on Campus Saint Germain, 45 rue des Saints Pères (3rd floor) and affiliated to the UFR des sciences fondamentales et biomédicales, Faculté des Sciences.

NABI was started in 2018 to foster the merger of fundamental research, multidisciplinary training and entrepreneurship with the aim to promote biomedical innovation from bench to bedside. Our main goal is to envision and translate to the clinic novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches based on nanomedicine, biotherapies and bioinspired technologies for precision medicine and personalized care. Many researchers of NABI also participate in the teaching in the masters programs of the School of Medecine and supervise many internships, from bachelor to master, and of course PhDs.

The first Director and co-founder of NABI is Florence Gazeau, Research Director at CNRS, and recently elected member of the French Academy of Sciences.

Live/dead assay of fibroblasts on beads (from Léa Jabbour)

Schematic of an antero-cutaneous fistula (by Anna Sebbagh)

Co-culture of cholangiocarcinoma cells (GFP) and fibroblasts (mCherry) exposed to iron oxide nanoflowers decorated with gold NPs (by Sonia Becharef)

Schematic of an intestine affected by Crohn disease (by Anna Sebbagh)

Schematic of mesenchymal stem cells (by Anna Sebbagh)

Locomotion pattern of C. elegans (BPJ cover, JM Di Meglio)

Schematic of a mixed lymphocyte reaction assay (by Anna Sebbagh)


Schematic of an extracellular vesicle (by Anna Sebbagh)

Schematic of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) on polymers (by JM Di Meglio)

TEM on fibroblast exposed to Gold salts (by Giulio Avveduto).

Research topics in brief

We are interested in all the physical stimuli and cues (mechanical, magnetic, electric, optical, thermodynamical stimulation, exposure to nanoparticles…) that modulate or modify the behavior of human cells and tissues during development (embryogenesis), aging and pathogenesis (cancer, inflammation, nanotoxicology…). We are looking for disruptive biomimetic treatments for regenerative medicine and cancer therapy, based on cell-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) and other bioactive nanotherapeutics. We believe on EVs as the next generation biotherapies and as a safer and affordable alternative to cell therapies. We are also very interested in studying the fate of nanoparticles and their potential in nanotherapies.

NABI is pioneering breakthrough technologies for massive bioproduction, engineering and multimodal characterizations of extracellular vesicles and hybrid nanovectors, as well as fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of EV biogenesis and intercellular communication. NABI is the new name of Mscmed, launched in 2019, with the Region Ile de France and IDEX Université de Paris the first French EV facility and center of expertise (IVETh Core Facility) based on innovative and high-throughput bioproduction, analytical methods and data sciences to push EV-based therapy to the clinic. To this purpose, we launch a thematic group called EVOLVE.

NABI hosts two spin-off companies: EVerZom created in 2019 to develop large-scale production and engineering of clinical grade EV and Evora Biosciences to translate EV-based therapy combined to a thermoresponsive hydrogel for fistula therapy.

We are a multidisciplinary group, gathering physicists, biologists, pharmacists, chemists, data scientist, engineers and entrepreneurs.

NABI and the IVETh facility benefits from the support of Université Paris Cité, IDEX UP, CNRS, INSERM, Region Ile de France, European Union (ERC, FET-Open), and several grant agencies and foundations (ANR, INCA, ANSES, ARC, VLM…).

We are constantly looking for highly motivated and highly skilled researcher and students. Do not hesitate to contact us.


Vincent Fleury invité à la « Science CQFD » sur France culture

Depuis quelques années, des équipes de biologistes prétendent se rapprocher de la fabrication d’embryons synthétiques, à partir de cellules souches. Ces travaux posent des questions scientifiques, juridiques et éthiques. Vincent Fleury en débattra le 23 novembre vers 16h sur France culture.

Seminar – « Peptidic Bioactivable AuNCs for Biosensing and Extracellular Vesicles or Cellular Labeling » and « Extracellular Vesicles in seminal fluids, their morphological analysis, and size in healthy patients and others with two pathologies. »

Seminar by Valérie Marchi and Célia Ravel, 7th November 2023, 12pm, Salle des Thèses 3rd Floor. Topic: "Peptidic Bioactivable AuNCs for Biosensing and Extracellular Vesicles or Cellular Labeling" and "Extracellular Vesicles in seminal fluids, their morphological...

Lancement du projet CARN

Le 30 août 2023 a eu lieu la journée de lancement du projet CARN. Le projet CARN, coordonné par le laboratoire MSC vise à développer des  biothérapies innovantes basées sur la délivrance locale d’ARN thérapeutiques par des vésicules hybrides fonctionnalisées pour la régénération musculo-squelettique. Le projet CARN  a été selectionné par le PEPR 2030

Plusieurs mécanismes de neutralisation des nanoparticules découverts dans les cellules pulmonaires

Comment l’organisme réagit-il en cas d’inhalation de nanoparticules ? Les de MscMed et leurs collègues ont étudié l’évolution de nanofeuillets de disulfure de molybdène dans des poumons de souris jusqu’à un mois après leur inhalation. Publiés dans la revue Advanced Materials, ces travaux montrent que les macrophages pulmonaires peuvent transformer ces nanoparticules et les enrouler afin de réduire leur surface de contact, et donc leur toxicité, et seraient également capables de moduler la réaction inflammatoire induite.

Journal club – Extracellular vesicles – matrix interactions

Seminar by Lucile Alexandre, 17th October 2023, 1pm, Salle des Thèses 3rd Floor. Topic: Extracellular vesicle–matrix interactions, Koushik Debnath, Kevin Las Heras, Ambar Rivera, Stephen Lenzini & Jae-Won Shin, Nature reviews materials, March 2023...

Thérapies ciblées : Un nouveau convoyeur de traitements au cœur des cellules

Produites par la plupart de nos cellules, les vésicules extracellulaires sont impliquées dans de nombreux processus physiologiques. Elles permettent notamment aux cellules de communiquer à distance à travers le transfert de molécules biologiques. La recherche tente de détourner cette machinerie cellulaire pour administrer de manière ciblée des substances thérapeutiques à certaines cellules dysfonctionnelles ou cancéreuses.

Financial supports